Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ohio-15 Pryce Vs. Kilroy

I have mentioned I live at corner where 3 congressional districts come together. The 15th district is a 4th one I am very aware of being in the Columbus media market. I have the pleasure of seeing Pryce’s feeble television spot attempts to define herself as something other then she is.

A couple of weeks ago I shook my head at the ad where first she bragged about her support for tax breaks for “working families.” Um yea if your last name is Hilton or Vanderbilt. Then she claimed credit for all the jobs she and the republicans have created for Ohio. Then out comes the unemployment numbers showing Ohio’s joblessness has grown to dire levels. Oops Debra pull that ad quick!

Now this weeks advertisement is showing how “independent “ she is from Bush because she stood up to him on stem cell research. Well good so did half of the other republicans that was a real stretch for her. Meanwhile the facts are she has voted with President Bush 88% of the time and voted the GOP party line 93% of the time.

Ok this commercial doesn’t fly perhaps she should try one on health care or gas prices or maybe even education. But wait, she voted for Republican Drug Plan, Which gave billions in incentives to Drug Makers. She Voted for Energy Bill that Gave Billions to Oil, and companies back when gas prices when $1.26 a gallon. Yea that worked. Well it worked for her; she got $81,607 in contributions from the oil and gas industry. Then she topped it off with voting no to ending oil and gas price gouging. So that leaves education, ummm well… While tuition costs are rising for ordinary Americans, Rep. Pryce voted to cut Federal student aid by $12.7 billion.

Oh I know perhaps a commercial on ethics is next. Oh wait she wrote a letter on the behalf of a Louisiana casino proposal to the Interior Secretary that had identical wording of letters sent by Republican Whip Roy Blunt, Dennis Hastert, Eric Cantor and oh yes Tom Delay. Did I mention investigators believe that Jack Abramoff authored the letters? Oh but its ok because Pryce donated the $8000 she was given by Abramoff’s clients to charity.

What isn’t a big surprise is she voted to weaken House ethics rules and she has received $5,020 from Tom DeLay's ARMPAC.

Guess she will have to make up stuff in her future commercials.

On the other hand we have Mary Jo Kilroy. Lets see she has been active in public service since the 50’s from being a VISTA volunteer to actively working for civil rights, anti-war, and feminist causes. She served for years on the School board working for education not cutting it. As a county commissioner the county has balanced every budget. And even at the county level she has actually done something about energy by converting the county bus fleet to bio diesel making it the largest such fleet in the nation.

I have only one complaint about Mary Jo’s campaign. As I read her blogs and her website she spends way too much time telling us how bad Deborah Pryce is and I do agree wholeheartedly. However, I would like to see more on who Mary Jo is what her positions and background are. She is an impressive candidate; she needs to let the voters know who she is a bit better in my opinion. When she does that the choice will be clear. Mary Jo Kilroy should represent the 15th district.


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