I'm baaaack!!
What brought me back?
Well I wrote a piece about Anne Coulter and Paris Hilton cluttering up my television back in August. Is the fact they still are, what drug me back,,umm no. Though hearing Elizabeth Edwards let Anne have it was indeed a moment to behold.
Was it the continuing desire of a small few morals police to enforce their beliefs on us through continuing legislation passed by lock step republican ohio lawmakers? Naw I don't go to strip clubs anymore, but when they go for my Krispy Kremes watch out!
Was it the fact that we continue to be in an illegal war, that we were decieved, no lied to along with the rest of the world to create and it just gets worse every day? Yea that's part of it.
Or how about the fact that the Bush's Supreme Court, has in the words of Justice Breyer
"Never in the history of the court have so few undone so much so quickly" Yes thats also part of it.
But most of all, I missed you all!