Monday, August 13, 2007

Karl Rove: Evil Genius

This morning on CNN I saw Bob Bennett, Conservative Radio Host, flippantly remark, that Karl Rove was leaving of his free will without indictment. I found this statement sad. That its so accepted that the Bush Administration is so corrupt that its a surprise one leaves without legal charges against him.

Yes Karl Rove is a genius, he managed not only to stay out of jail, but he took a stuffed shirt, who had failed at every business he attempted and made him first a Governor of Texas but President of the United States, twice!.

Evil because Karl Rove truly used the "win at any cost" philosophy. He used intimidation, fear, manipulation of not only voters but the right wing media and anyone who desired to keep their job within the government. He used the fears of the christian right of gay rights to manipulate them to march in step with his client, while laughing at them the entire time. And most disgusting of all he used the tragedy of 9/11 for political gamesmanship. In the end he left the constitution in shreds.

He was involved in treason by outing a CIA agent, he committed contempt of congress by refusing to testify, he was the architect of fraudulent election practices in Ohio and Florida, and these are just the things we know about.

So should be relax now that he is resigning? Absolutely not. One goal of Rove that remains unrealized is a permanent republican majority. Do you really believe he quit now to spend time with his family? He is not done. Someone will sell their soul to this man to get elected. The Republican race is a mess for them, their only hope is that Hillary is the democratic nominee. Would Rove assist Hillary behind the scenes? "a permanent republican majority," "win at any cost", what do you think?

It is absolutely imperative that we prevent an administration like this from ever happening again. Just because Rove is done, is no reason to stop going after him and those around him who have broken the law. Just because Bush would pardon him is not a reason to stop, Just because Bush would be out of office before we could bring him to justice is no reason to stop.

Investigations must continue vigorously, and the guilty must be brought to justice. Not for revenge, not to remove them from office, but to show the world the citizens of the United States will not allow our Constitution and laws be miss used in this way ever again.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hillary the Candidate Republican's Love

Why does Hillary lead in fundraising, is it just the lobbiests she has accepted $400,000 from that neither Obama or Edwards will accept? Not totally.

Why have the right wing mouthpieces on Fox News and elsewhere began turning most of their attention attacking Edwards and Obama and mentioning Hillary less and less?

Because they want Hillary to win the Democratic Nomination. Hillary polarizes voters like few others. She will not get the moderate vote, she will not get the fox viewer vote. She will not get the Religious vote, she will not get most of the white male vote period.

Hillary is the perfect candidate for the Republicans to run against. They know this and are actively working to make it happen.

Don't believe me? Check out some of her contributers. Here are two you may have heard of. Kenneth Star's Law Firm, yes the Kenneth Star that went after her Husband for lying about his activties with Monica. Then there is Rupurt Murdoch, the owner of various right wing rags and oh yes, Fox News Channel.

Need I say more? Ain't it great for our choices to be manipulated by right wing money once again?

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Extremist Right to Lifers invade Zanesville

Today the main commercial road through Zanesville, Maple Ave, was invaded by right to life advocates using very sick and immoral tactics. The road normally traveled by families on their way to shop at the Mall, Walmart, Bob Evan's, or on their way to Doctor's offices or Hospitals, was lined with advocates using their religion to justify exposing all including children 6' tall posters of aborted fetises. This along with similar visuals on two trucks that I saw, tying up traffic driving up and down the street.

Be for or against abortion or any issue. But using your religion to justify exposing children to such images makes as much sense as the use of Muslim extremist using their religion to justify their actions or the KKK for that matter.

What if someone tried to show the atrocities of war standing along that same street showing blown up servicemen or Iraqi children? Would that be considered acceptable? I think not.

Yes I'll defend the rights of free speech for anyone, but I also have the right to criticize their methods and words as wrong and irresponsible.

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